University Of Karachi Past PapersThe University Of Karachi today is the biggest in the country. It comprises eight faculties with which all the colleges of the city are affiliated. B.S., M.S., M.Phil., and Ph.D. classes under five of these faculties Arts, Science, Pharmacy, Management and Administrative Science, and Islamic Learning are conducted on the campus, while under the Faculties of Medicine, law, and Education examine the students admitted to their affiliated colleges. Research programs leading to M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees are offered under all the faculties. Today the University is recognized as a premier center of learning and research in the Subcontinent and the Third World. Several scientists and scholars affiliated with the University are working in important positions both within and outside Pakistan and have won recognition and acclaim. One of the institutes of the University has got the distinction of being made the Centre of the Third World Academy of Sciences. Students from several foreign countries are also pursuing Masters and Doctorate degrees. Because of the high academic and research standards of the University, a large number of students from Karachi and other parts of the country apply for admission here. Keeping in view a very high number of applicants, the University has started evening classes in several departments at BS and Masters Levels, and a Directorate of Evening Program was established to control and run the Evening Program. On This Site, You Can Download the University Of Karachi Past Papers All Subjects For Preparation for your final term.

University Of Karachi Library

The library of the university is one of the largest libraries in the country. Housed in a spacious building, it has a collection of over 360,000 books and over 110,000 copies of national and foreign journals and periodicals. There is also a microfilm section that has copies of rare manuscripts from the British Museum, the India Office Library, and the Bodleian and Cambridge University libraries. A highlight of the library is the Quaid-i-Azam’s collection of books, many of which carry his signature. Copies of the All India Muslim League papers are also available. Work is in progress for setting up a resource center, equipped with internet and scanner microfiche. Now, the Central Library is being gradually digitalized and will be able to cater to a larger number of students. Besides the central library, every department also has its seminar library equipped with the necessary books.

The University Of Karachi Hostels

The construction of hostels for the visiting faculty and research scholars and additional facilities for M.Phil/Ph.D scholars have further enhanced chances for quality and speedy research. The perennial residential problems at the campus are also expected to solve partially with the completion of new blocks of the staff apartments. All these and many other successes were due to the active encouragement the university received from the Higher Education Commission and the Chancellor of the University.

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